Artrage vitae review
Artrage vitae review

artrage vitae review

Use any Custom Brush shape as an Eraser tool.Assign depth to the paint to create thick strokes of any shape.Control how color is picked up and blended by the brush head.Adjust the shape of the stroke with smoothing, jitter, and other properties.Assign your own image brush heads and texture images then control how they move and scale with the stroke.Choose from options to control the shape, stroke properties, color, and depth of the paint.Create your own custom tools with a wide variety of options.Create wet blending strokes with a variety of blend properties using the Gloop Tool.Move, rotate, scale, and delete every sticker independently if required to adjust the result of a spray.Spray images on to the canvas from a Sticker Sheet based on a wide range of control parameters.Create textured surfaces by sprinkling glitter repeatedly in a single area.Choose the shape and color behavior of sprinkles from the Glitter Tube.Wand Selection can also be set to ignore small gaps in selected areas.Build selections using Add, Subtract, Difference, and Exclusion apply modes.Create selections in Circle, Rectangle, Polygon, Freehand, and Painted modes.Apply text in different fonts and formats.Sample colors at exact points, or from an area around the sampler.

artrage vitae review

  • Edit gradients with a powerful designer tool.
  • Fill is gap-tolerant and can be set to ignore small gaps in your line-art.
  • Fill with solid color, gradients, or patterns.
  • Apply automatic Tapering to Ink Pen strokes.
  • Apply automatic Smoothing to Pencil and Ink Pen strokes.
  • Watercolors blend together to create delicate gradations.
  • Smear thick paint to spread it out over a larger area.
  • Paint can be set to run out over time on the brush head to create realistic fading.
  • Paint blends on the canvas to create color variations based on how much paint is on the brush and how much is on the surface.
  • Tools & Properties: Realistic Painting Tools:

    artrage vitae review

    If you are an existing user of ArtRage, you can view just the new feature list here. This list contains all of the features available in ArtRage Vitae, along with a description of some of the ways these features work.

    Artrage vitae review